
Relating to the way a person experiences things in his or her own mind.

Subjectivity is most commonly used as an explanation for that which influences, informs, and biases people’s judgments about truth or reality; it is the collection of the perceptions, experiences, expectations, personal or cultural understanding, and beliefs specific to a person. It is often used in contrast to the term objectivity, which is described as a view of truth or reality which is free of any individual’s influence.

Historically, philosophy has differentiated between two worlds: the external world of objects (states, events), and the internal mental world representations (ideas, sensations. In essence, the subject (person) observes objects (reality). In our modern world, we have come to think of subjectivity as relating to personal preferences, and objectivity as relating to things that are independent of personal preferences. So, the temperature today will be 20 degrees, and whether or not this is warm or cold is up to you.


Subjectivity is a central philosophical concept, related to consciousness, agency, personhood, reality, and truth, which has been variously defined by sources. Read More

Dictionary subjective

Of, relating to, or constituting a subject as. Of, relating to, or characteristic of one that is a subject especially in lack of freedom of action or in submissiveness. Being or relating to a grammatical subject. Nominative. Of or relating to the essential being of that which has substance, qualities, attributes, or relations. Characteristic of or belonging to reality as perceived rather than as independent of mind phenomenal compare objective 1b. Relating to or being experience or knowledge as conditioned by personal mental characteristics or states. Peculiar to a particular individual personal. Modified or affected by personal views, experience, or background. Arising from conditions within the brain or sense organs and not directly caused by external stimuli. Arising out of or identified by means of one’s perception of one’s own states and processes compare objective 1c. Lacking in reality or substance illusory. Something that is subjective (see subjective). Nominative. A grammatical complement relating to the subject of an intransitive verb (as sick in “he had fallen sick”).

Thesaurus of, relating to, or belonging to a single person
Synonyms idiomatic, individualized, particular, patented, peculiar, personal, personalized, private, privy, separate, singular, subjective, unique
Related Terms characteristic, distinctive, intimate; identifying, idiosyncratic; especial, express, special, specific; independent, nonconformist, self-directed, self-sufficient; custom, customized, specialized
Antonyms general, generic, popular, public, shared, universal
